Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Graphs to show audience feedback

90% of people that took my questionnarie to show their feedback on my music magazine said that the genre I was aiming for was Rock, mainly because I had put the word Rock in my mast head. 10% of the people that it was indie because of the outfits my models were wearing.

80% of the people that took my questionnaire said that they would be happy to pay the £2.50 that is on the magazine front cover. 20% of the people said that they would pay £2.40.

10% of the people that took my questionnaire said they wouldn't buy my magazine because it isn't based on their taste of music. 20% of them said that the magazine caught their interest and they would buy it every week. 30% of my audience said that they would buy it every two weeks because of the price. Another 30% said they would buy it every month because it has some bands that they listen to but not many. Another 10% said that they would buy it every 2 months because they have another weekly and another monthly magazine that they buy.

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